Wednesday, February 22, 2006

That's My Girl

All morning long my daughter, who owns Strawberry Shortcake slippers, Strawberry Shortcake pajamas, Strawberry Shortcake books, Strawberry Shortcake boots, Strawberry Shortcake DVDs, Strawberry Shortcake valentines and mailbox, Strawberry Shortcake pillow, Strawberry Shortcake blanket, Strrawberry Shortcake dolls, Strawberry Shortcake shirts, Strawberry Shortcake pants, Strawberry Shortcake coloring books, Strawberry Shortcake crayons, and calls herself Strawberry Shortcake (and me Huckleberry Pie, or just Huckle, and her mother Orange Blossom [other characters from the stories]), talked about Strawberry Shortcake.

When we got in the car to go to the zoo, I asked her if she would rather listen to Strawberry Shortcake songs or The Beatles.

Yellow Submarine it was.


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