...but let me get my theory out now, whilst I could still possibly get credit for it.
First, read this story (if you're so inclined), then read this one.
Now, string theory is the predominant theoretical model for explaining how one could reconcile Einstein's Theory of Relativity with our current understanding of quantum mechanics. (Don't worry, my theory is free, free, free from physics, as I don't understand a whit of it.) In string theory, our observable universe is not merely made up of three dimensions with time qualifying as a fourth, but includes at least ten dimensions (up to possibly 26 in some calculations).
These extra dimensions, unobservable to us, are compact, spindled out super thin and super long, thus strings. They provide some kind of X factor in super-duper calculations, which seems like a bogus cheat to me, but then again, I don't understand the science or the math at this level.
Now, taking into account the two articles previously, let me spin you a hypothesis that's been kicking around in my mind attached to a particular fictional tale I've mentally fiddled with off and on for about a decade.
Our dimensional universe is not, in fact, one of several strings, but rather, our universe, with its perfect laws of physics allowing for life and matter and all that good stuff to occur, is a bubble on a superuniverse, or superverse. Consider all of what we can know and observe as part of a giant expanding boil on a huge ball of all existent matter, like a zit on your face.
The superverse is all of everything, like we once assumed the universe to be. Our universe is one bubble on its surface that happened to have all the right internal temperatures and pressures to exist in such a fashion as to allow for life to develop and all our observable matter and phenomena to occur. Countless other expanding universes exist on the superverse's surface, bubbling up and existing for untold trillions of years before eventually succumbing to the superverse's extreme gravitational pull and collapsing back into this primordial One. Each of these universes have their own laws of physics and their own properties, dependent on their rate and quality of expansion and development. Some could support life, some could not. The chances of us ever finding out ever in the lifetime of the species Homo sapiens sapiens are so close to nil as to be nil.
This blank spot in the universe they've observed recently is the point where our universe's surface meets the surface of the superverse off of which we've bubbled. Less matter exists there or is measurable there because, like a black hole, this area is an enormous type of event horizon into which some galaxies and stars tumble and some spin off and escape. The low percentage of observable matter there is a result of this.
Just my thoughts on the matter. Just so's ya know.
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