Friday, February 20, 2009

Baby Steps, Baby Shoes

Eyes leftward again to the latest development from down on high at Critical HQ.

My recent twitterings have given me the inspiration to begin writing micro-fictions. The form has been around for a while, very, very short stories, and it only recently occurred to me that I could actually use Twitter to do this. I am not the first to have this brainwave, as you will see if you ever google twitter and microfiction or anything along those lines. I don't know how frequently I will update this, nor if I will get bored with this fairly quickly, nor further still if I will find it fun for a while, then kinda forget about it and let it just wither and die.

What I do know is that I'm interested in the experiment, so if you are at all interested, then check it out under the Micro-Fiction link over to your left (your other left...sigh...I'll wait while you figure it out...).


No, really.


Citizen Carrie said...

Do we get to vote on which one we want you to expand into a full-sized short story?

The Critic said... that's an intriguing idea...

The Critic said...

What says my vast audience of 3 readers?

The Critic said...

Although, right now, I'm afraid the burrito story would be the winner....brrrr.

Citizen Carrie said...

I'm kind of partial to the one about the guy with the bad breath.

Dave said...

Micro fictions.. very very short stories?
Hmmm.. so it's a haiku minus the poetic aspects?

Anonymous said...

I'll get back to you when I'm caught up on the 300 pages of history I need to read.