Friday, February 06, 2009



Dave said...

I heard clips of this on some progressive talk radio show earlier. I will have to listen to it in its entirety when I'm not in class. What a badass.

Dave said...

Ohio is really hurting right now. It's a shame that Ohio was a battle ground state in this last election. It should have been a landslide blue state. Those ignorant rednecks that voted Bush in 04' are now unemployed and collecting food stamps, and it all could have been avoid if only they had really researched the smarter candidate with everyone's interest at heart. Their industrial/manufacturing jobs could have been spared had they not bought into all the lies and bullshit the republicans used to get into office. There are a lot of Earnhardt lovin' deer hunter mullets that will learn from this really shitty time.

Erin said...

D. - you're very optimistic, but I don't believe the down and outs you referred to will actually learn anything from this. They vote according to religion, not politics. I'm sure they will find a way to blame the godless democrats for the situation in which the country currently finds itself.