Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tomorrow for Sure

I know I promised that there'd be a review coming up this week of the Bourne Trilogy (and there still will be), but ya'll are just gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

Today, of course, is The Littlest Critic's sixth birthday, so there has been much to do and much to get done so I can belt on out early today for our little tiny Actual Day Party.

The official lots of kids and screaming and presents party to follow at a later undetermined time, perhaps when it's a tiny bit warmer.

Meanwhile, enjoy this FAIL I made for the good folks at FAILblog where you will piss yourself laughing.


Citizen Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, TLC!

Six years old? My oh my. Quite the young lady now!

Anonymous said...

book spine label fail:


I'm cell phone camera challenged, so I can't provide photographic proof.